Merry Ruby Christmas 2024 !
Where and When?
Online, Thursday, 12th December 2024, from 18:00 until 19:30
It’s been a while (February)! I hope everyone is coping well with the cold. We do have some warming news though!
We are in December, which only means two thing - You have had time to rest from the haggis ruby conference, and you are ready for more ruby adventure. (right?) Well, aren’t you in luck! ScotRUG will be back this month to look at what the new Ruby version has to offer. What has changed, what’s new, how does everyone feel about it - let’s talk !
Everyone is welcome. Experimented rubyist wanting to have a sneak pick of what’s comming, or neophyte looking to know more about Ruby, come along and let’s discuss all the Ruby things!