Visual Storytelling with Noah Gibbs
Where and When?
We’ll meet on the second Thursday of the month at 18:00: August 11th. Since we’re meeting virtually, we’ll send out the link via our Meetup page for the event closer to the time.
In Edinburgh, the summer festivals have kicked off in a full throated way for the first time since the start of the ongoing pandemic. Artists and performers of all kinds range across the city, sharing and building stories with audiences. Well, Noah Gibbs knows about story telling and would like to help you out! He says:
Most slides are horribly bad. They’re boring and they’re alienating. They’re awful to see and awful to make. They can be much better when you realise a slide presentation is a slow-motion comic. Let me teach you about visual storytelling. We’ll un-suck some bad slides from the internet without spending a ton of time.
See some of you on Thursday!